Saturday 4 February 2012

I'm a Brit!

It's official! After lots of paperwork, obtaining documents from afar, and several trips to the post office, (not to mention a few £'s), I received my British passport in just over 2 weeks from when I sent it in. I had an interview in Liverpool on Saturday morning (yes, it seems that some government agencies are open on a Sat!), and after "a few more security checks" was told I should receive it in 4-6 business days. It arrived the following Wednesday. I am thrilled because this allows me to stay here longer and travel freely within the European Union without any hassle. The only twinge is that I feel a bit like I'm cheating on my Canada....
Stay tuned for an itinerary update...


  1. Well good job! It's a technicality. Canada won't care....George might though. He's here with me in bed!

  2. Ohhh Carrie! Give him a cuddle from me xo
