Friday 11 November 2011


This just has to be an auspicious day. I can't help but think that there is something to it when the numbers line up like this. I wish I knew more about numerology, or astrology because I think it probably has some significance. For me, it is another day of possible adventure. My last day in Bournemouth and hoping for a long walk on the beach again. I have now been in England nearly 4 weeks (is it really 4 weeks since I left Spain??) and am starting to feel like I live here. What I love is the anonimity I experience every day. I walk down the street and know not a single soul. For some reason I like this. You can't beat the dairy here - cheese especially. Sarah, you would be in heaven, the aged white cheddar is to die for! I try not to eat it too often because, well, it's just not good to do that. This way, I can savour it when I do have it. I have mentioned my addiction to tea already and I indulge in that (as my aunt Susie and uncle Terry can attest to) as often as I like. I had a cadbury chocolate in Liverpool - another thing that seems to taste better than anywhere else, as do the toffees, which I have yet to indulge in. I love the old churches, cobblestones, narrow streets, and earthy, lush green that is evident only as a result of the rain and dampness. Oddly enough, it hasn't rained much but I'm told it will....
I am looking forward to my trip to Morocco. I am carrying my pack with only a few things - I now know how to pack light. It was more difficult to pack for this trip as I needed to have both warm things for my time in England as well as cool clothes for my trip to Morocco - all fitting into my little orange pack. I need to take a sleeping bag too which takes up a bit of space. I recently bought an iPad (I now understand the merits of it) and will try and write as often as I can depending of the availability of WiFi. I have just uploaded all my photos and will post them to FB in the next day or two. I continue to ache for Spain so have applied to volunteer for a week in Madrid teaching conversational English. It sounds great - they put you up in a nice place and you just have to have conversations with Spanish people who have learned English in a classroom setting, but need to practice their conversation skills. They pay for all your expenses and the only skill you require is to be able to talk to people. (Hehehehe)
Other than that, I am still exploring the idea of going to India for a few months. I don't feel ready to go home and feel that this time has been given to me and I must do something extraordinary with it. Time has a way of slipping by and I have become acutely aware of how much time can easily be wasted doing what we think we ought to do instead of taking a risk and doing what we really want to do.
Time will tell.