Monday 11 June 2012


When I was in Spain for three weeks doing the English Immersion program I left a small suitcase there, a carry-on bag, containing my regular clothes that I didnt need for walking. My intention was to pick it up in Madrid on the day I was to get my flight back to Liverpool. I left it with someone from the program who said it would be absolutely no problem and she would meet me on the day I was back in Madrid, we'd pick up the bag and have lunch before I flew out. Great. Off I went to walk a week on the Camino and see Barcelona. The day before I arrived back in Madrid, I emailed her to make arrangements to which I got a reply saying she had left it at the office and because of the bank holiday, it was closed and we would not be able to get in. Well, that seemed crazy to me....surely there was someone who had a key? Turns out, no one was around as everyone leaves town on a holiday. I asked her to ring the big boss man and she said it would be a last resort. I didn't want to appear bitchy, but I said I thought it was a last resort....I had a flight to catch and needed to leave by 2:00pm. I stressed again that I needed my bag as it contained all of my regular clothes. She called and he gave her the code. Down to the office we went only to find that it was the wrong code!! When I suggested we call him back, she said he was a busy man and she could not possibly bother him again. I said there had to be someone in the building who could get in if there was an emergency (to me, this qualified!). We found the security guy who told us he didn't know the code. By now I'm starting to realise that I would not be getting my case. We went for lunch with her son and I was told it would be no problem, the office girl would send the case the next day. It wasn't such a huge deal as I was going to begin my Hadrian's Wall walk the day after I returned to Liverpool so had all my walking gear with me. I had to accept the situation and made my way to the airport. A week later, I returned from my Hadrian's Wall walk thinking that my case would be delivered, but no such luck. I emailed the woman who said she was surprised, she assumed it was taken care of. She made some inquiries and told me that they didn't send it because it was going to cost me 70€ to ship it and they needed my consent. I was a bit shocked by the price but said to go ahead. Two days later, I left for Paris....with my walking clothes. I followed up again when I returned and they said the price they gave me was for delivery in Spain only and the price was now 330€. I was speechless and did some inquiries of my own only to find out it was indeed true. It dawned on me that it might be cheaper to go and get it myself so I began looking for flights. Turns out, it was cheaper to go and get it. I should have shares in Easyjet! Another flight to arrange and then to find a place to stay. I decided to email the Spaniards I had met and see if anyone would kindly offer me a bed, couch, or floor to sleep on as I was only staying one night. My friend Carlos came through and this became the silver lining to this little adventure. He picked me up, took me out for the most amazing tapas I've ever had and then took me to his home to meet his family. I was so grateful for their warm hospitality and hope that one day I can do the same for any one of them. The next morning I got up early and headed to the Prado where I spent a good four hours immersing myself in Spanish, Italian, and Dutch paintings and sculptures. Then boarded a bus that took me straight to the airport and back to Liverpool. Phew! Lesson learned.