Friday 21 October 2011

Hanging Out in Liverpool

It is Friday afternoon and I have spent the day doing nothing. I signed up at the gym with my cousin Mel and went yesterday for two hours. It was great to know that I am in good shape and it felt really good to move my body after a week of the sedentary life. My plan is to go every day if I can. I am researching my options for travel now - so much choice! It's a little overwhelming, well, everything is these days. I just feel like I should be walking! And where the hell are those damn yellow arrows when you really need them!?
It's been great being in Liverpool staying with my aunt and uncle Sue and Terry, and seeing my cousins and Aunt Angela every day. The weather is cold and I had to buy a winter jacket yesterday as I really didn't pack properly for post-Camino weather. I wandered around Liverpool yesterday and really enjoyed Bold Street and lunch with my cousin Gemma. I am beginning to feel itchy and need to move on to the next trip. I have some ideas, so keep reading...
I am feeling a little bit blue...homesick for my kids I think. It seems so long ago since I've seen them and haven't spoken to them since I left for Spain. I will try calling this weekend so if you are reading this Sarah, Robbie, and James, make sure you answer your phones when you see "unknown number" on your call display!
Not too much else to report other than a nice evening last night with Phil (my cousin Mel's husband) and their friend Chris. We went to a couple of pubs and listened to some live music. Tonight I'm going over there for curry and then this weekend my other cousin William and his wife Anne and their children are coming up from London for a visit. It will be great seeing them. I hope to make a plan to go to Bristol to see Arlene before my next trip.
I need to go for a long walk so I'm going to sign off and get outside.
Lots of love to all