Thursday 29 March 2012

A very strange thing happened.....

As I was standing at the gate to visit the gardens and see the sunset behind the Taj Mahal, I heard someone call out to me. I turned around, only to see a woman I met when I was walking the Camino! Her name is Marie-Jose and she lives in Holland. I couldn't believe it! We had a huge hug and kept looking at each other in complete bewilderment. We had a moment to quickly catch up before going into the garden and then had some time together inside. Neither one of us had mentioned anything about India when we were in Spain, so when you think that it could have been 5 minutes either way when we arrived at the garden gate, we would not have met. 
Of course, I have been thinking about this ever since, wondering how these things happen....but more importantly, why. I met Marie-Jose towards the end of the Camino along with a bunch of other people who had all been walking around the same time. I remember having dinner with her once and bumping into her many times along "the Way". Conversations on the camino are often close and intimate and you get to know people quickly. I liked her as soon as we met and remember the good conversations. 
Is it the magic and spiritual wonder of India? Serendipity? Coincidence? Or merely a chance meeting with a friend? I don't know what to make of it but I know that everything in life happens for a reason. I will never forget her as she is now part of the story of my travels. Who knows who I will meet again....!
I leave it to God and keep my heart and my soul open to all the possibilities.
I sincerely hope it is not the last time I will meet Marie-Jose. Maybe I will go to the Netherlands next!