Friday 30 September 2011


I am staying at an Albergue that holds about 125 people. I´ve managed to get into a semi private room with 3 other women so it should be a quiet night. This is a great city but because I didn´t arrive until later today, had very little time to explore. It was a 32km day and the last 3km was gruelling in the 32degrees heat. I had dinner at a fancy hotel with my friend Eric, a singer-dancer from NYC. He thinks I´m FABULOUS! We had a nice evening together and he is determined to be in Santiago for my birthday.
So many amazing people I have met. Two nights ago I ran into a couple from Vernon BC whom I had met earlier on. They are really nice but I hadn´t had a chance to spend much time with them until the other night. Linda shared that her camino is about grieving the loss of her son less than a year ago. She told the story of his sudden illness and death and that he was 41 and left behind a wife and three young children. She cried openly and I so appreciated her sharing her grief. It made me think of my mom and how strong she is and how much she would have been able to relate to this woman.
I am finding that we get very close very quickly with people and you take the moment you have because you may never see this person again. It is a rich and beautiful experience.
Tomorrow I go to Rabanal, only 21km. I am considering going a bit further as the next day is 31km and is up to the Cruz de Ferra, the place where I will leave my stone.
I feel good. Blessed. Happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi jen!

    Love you and your blisters!!

